Air | Gas | Mould
Tubular Heater
Bundle Heater
Finned Heater
Ducting Heater
PTC Heater
Anti Condensation Heater
Air Immersion Heater
Cartridge Heater
Silicon Carbide (SIC) Heater
Ceramic Bobbin Heater
Pencil Heater
Ceramic Fiber Heater
Flexible Silicone Rubber Heater
Air Circulation Heater
Hot Air Blower
Ceramic Infrared Heater
Quartz Infrared Heater
Band Heater
Ceramic Band Heater
Strip Heater
Cast-In Heater
Mineral Insulation Heater
Halogen Infrared Heater
Black Infrapara Heater
Infrared Silica Quartz Heater
Immersion Heater
Teflon Heater
Inline Circulation Heater
Bobbin Heater
Tank Heater
Drum Heater
Jacket Heater
Explosion Proof Heater
Defrost Heater
Specialty Heating + Controls
Heat Trace
Control Panel & System Solutions
Industrial Hot Water Calorifier
Industrial Hot Water System
Electric Heater Steam Boiler
Oil Flushing Skids
Thermal Fluid Analysis
Heat Tape/Heated Sample Lines
Heated Hoses
Flexible Ceramic Heating Pads
Explosion Proof Air Heater
Explosion Proof Duct Heater
Explosion Proof Immersion Heater
Explosion Proof Line Heater
Explosion Proof Process Heater
Oven | Furnace
Multipoint Thermocouple & RTD Profiling Sensors
Sanitary Probe
Platinium Curve Rigid Averaging
Cable Thermocouple
MI Thermocouple
HVAC Temperature Sensor
Handheld Probe
Wireless Temperature Transmitter
Green Mark Precision Temperature Sensor
Thermocouple Accessories
Temperature | Humidity | Dew Point
Temperature Controllers
Data Logger
Temperature Gauges/Thermometer
Handheld | Infrared | Thermal
Water Activity
Dehumidifiers | Humidifiers | Air Purifier
RTD | PT100 Sensors
ATEX thermocouples
Ceramic Rollers
Pressure Transducers | Transmitters
Differential Pressure Transmitter
Pressure Gauges
Air Flow | Pressure Switches
Float Switch
Hydrostatic Level Probe
Level Switches & Transmitters
By-pass Level Transmitter
Capacitance Level Switch
Magnetic Level Sensor
Ultrasonic Level Sensor
Vibrating Level Switch
Air | Gas | Liquid Flow
Air Flow/Air Velocity Meter
Variable Area Flow Meter
Electromagnetic Flow Meters
Sanitary Magnetic Flow Meter
Positive Displacement Flow Meter
Insertion Magnetic Flow Meter
Liquid Turbine Flow Meter
Coriolis Mass Flow Meter
Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Vortex Flow Meter
Gas Roots Flow Meter
Gas Turbine Flow Meter
Oval Gear Flow Meter
Fluorescence Dissolved Oxygen
Industrial Automation
SSR & Power Regulator
Signal Conditioners & Isolators
Power Supply
Communication Products & Converters
Control Components
- Sensors
- Temperature Controller
- Timer / Counter
- Indicator
- Switches
- Terminal Block / Buzzer
- Signal Light
Frequnecy Inverter | Drive
Thermocouple Cable
Extension Cable
Heat Resistant Cable
Power/Instrument/Control Cable
Braided Screen Cable
Solar Cable
Low Voltage Cable
LK Instrumentation Cable
Offshore Cable
Control Cable
Marine Cable
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)
Air Circuit Breakers (ACB)
Thermal Overload Relays (TOR) & Electrical Overload Relays (EOLR)
Mini Contactors
Soft Starters
Mobile Safety / Ex-Proof Smartphone
Products for Automotive Industry
Test Instruments
Wireless Sensor, Transmitters, Receivers, Meter & Controllers
Dpstar is a leading provider of thermal condition monitoring for electrical infrastructure, we offer highly personal and operating safety, optimal availability, secure engineering, easy operation, and high efficiency with low lifecycle costs. Our solution is specifically designed to provide continuous Thermal Monitoring for Medium Voltage Switchgear, utilizing our IR Sensors to monitor critical busbar joints. Dpstar’s continuous temperature monitoring protects your electrical assets from costly outages; while increasing safety via remotely monitoring equipment. This also increases asset integrity and minimizes downtime.
Overheating caused by overloaded circuits, unbalanced loads, loose or damaged connections will shorten equipment life, and potentially lead to catastrophic failure. The temperature rises in medium-voltage switchgear and switchboard components can be sudden, often causing thermal run-away, resulting in burning, melting, and destruction of components. Periodic visual inspections are costly, require special safety considerations, and are unlikely to detect these conditions in time. Best practices now demand 24/7 thermal monitoring of switchgear assets, catching up to 70% more failures than periodic inspection, protecting valuable equipment from failure, and increasing personnel safety.
Dpstar provides the right equipment for the most demanding applications. Dpstar successfully delivers complete solutions to protect our client’s electrical infrastructure. Our Raytek MI3 Thermal Sensor is permanently installed for continuous busbar temperature monitoring enables the following critical Medium Voltage busbar joints to be monitored in real-time to prevent costly downtime and help plan preventative maintenance. They provide an accurate, instant reading of the surface temperature of the conductor while remaining physically isolated from the voltage it carries. Raytek MI3 Thermal Sensor is ideal for switchgear applications where the available space for mounting the sensor is limited. It withstands ambient temperatures up to 180°C and can measure object temperatures from -40°C to 1800°C. Implementing continuous monitoring gives electric utilities the ability to collect data generated during the switchgear’s normal operating conditions, thereby providing awareness to problems in real-time. Real-time trending during full load electrical stresses, vibration, insulation breakdown, and environmental influences, quickly provides insight into the health of the utility’s asset.
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