Vetrix FDO Series – Fluorescence Dissolved Oxygen


  • High precision and accuracy. Measure absolute oxygen concentrations without field calibrations
  • Integrates directly into the FDO with Smart Sensor technology – “Plug & Play”
  • No membrane, stirring/flow, or cleaning required
  • Ultra・rugged construction-316L, Titanium options
  • Sapphire sensor window – extremely scratch resistant
  • All of the optics and electronics are solid-state with no moving parts
  • Optical sensor is not damaged by ambient light, unlike other luminescent DO technologies
  • Fully compatible with PC software for easy setup and data logging
  • Low sensitivity to fouling
  • Fast response time

Vetrix FDO Series – Fluorescence Dissolved Oxygen sensor operates by utilizing substances that can dynamically quench fluorescence. A unique platinum porphyrin complex within a gas-permeable foil is the fluorescent indicator, exposed to water in its environment. An optical isolation coating in black shields the complex from direct sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water.

The sensing foil is pressed against a sapphire window by a securing plate mounted with a screw. It is excited by modulated green light, and the phase of the returning red light is measured. The duration and intensity of fluorescence directly correlate with the amount of oxygen present. Minimal oxygen results in a prolonged and intense response, whereas oxygen presence diminishes this response, shortening its duration and intensity. Vetrix FDO sensor utilizes phase differences to determine the oxygen levels accurately.


Vetrix FDO is designed for the continuous measurement of dissolved oxygen in water. Typical applications include:

  • The measurement and control of the oxygen in aeration basins
  • The monitoring of oxygen in the effluent from a sewage treatment plant
  • The measurement and control of the oxygen content of public water supplies
  • The measurement and control of the oxygen at fish farms.
  • The oxygenation of drinking water.
  • The sensor is suitable for most environmental water measurements, applications outside of the scope of applications
  • Listed above may compromise the integrity of the sensor and should not be attempted without first consulting the factory.


Measure principle Optical measure by luminescence
Range 0.00~20.00ppm, 0.00-20.00mg/L. 0-200% Air Saturation
Resolution 0.01
Accuracy ±0.lmg/L. ±0.1ppm, ±1%
Respond Time T90< 16 seconds, oxygen increasing
Operate Temp 32~122℃ (0~50℃)
Store Temp. 14~14O℃ (-10~6O℃)
Protection Immersible, IP68
Pressure 5 bar
Weight 0.45kg (sensor & 3 meters cable)
Material SS316L, Titanium optional
Digital Output Modbus RS485
Power 24V DC (18-36V DC)
Dimension Dia. 1.42″, & 8.27″ length


Vetrix FDO Series – Fluorescence Dissolved Oxygen-DpstarGroup