Lascar EL-SP-TH+ – High Accuracy Temperature & Humidity Smart Probe


This high accuracy, temperature and humidity smart probe has a 2m cable and is useful in applications where monitoring of ambient air temperature and humidity is required.

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Lascar EL-SP-TH+ is a high-accuracy temperature and humidity smart probe with a 2-meter cable, ideal for applications requiring ambient air temperature and humidity monitoring.


Temperature Range -20 to +60ºC -4 to +140ºF
Temperature Resolution 0.01ºC 0.02ºF
Temperature Accuracy ±0.2 (+5 to +60ºC) ±0.4 (+41 to +140ºF)
Humidity Range 0 to 100%RH
Humidity Resolution 0.1%RH
Humidity Accuracy ±1.8 (20 to 80%RH)


Lascar EL SP TH High Accuracy Temperature Humidity Smart Probe_DpstarGroup