Lascar EL-SP-TH – Temperature & Humidity Smart Probe


This temperature and humidity smart probe has a 2m cable and is an ideal choice for applications where it may be problematic to house both data logger and sensor such as museum display cases and HVAC systems.

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Lascar EL-SP-TH – Temperature & Humidity Smart Probe, featuring a 2-meter cable, is an excellent option for situations where housing both the data logger and sensor together may be challenging, such as in museum display cases and HVAC systems.
The smart probe can be easily attached to the base of a temperature and humidity data logger. Simply insert it into the appropriate socket and secure it using the provided screw.


Temperature Range -20 to +60ºC -4 to +140ºF
Temperature Resolution 0.1ºC 0.2ºF
Temperature Accuracy ±0.3 (+5 to +60ºC) ±0.6 (+41 to +140ºF)
Humidity Range 0 to 100%RH
Humidity Resolution 1%RH
Humidity Accuracy ±2 (20 to 80%RH)


Lascar EL SP TH Temperature Humidity Smart Probe TH_DpstarGroup