Vaisala HMM170 Humidity and Temperature Module


  • Warmed sensor and probe for condensation prevention
  • Chemical purge for maintaining sensor performance
  • Suitable for use in high humidity environments, vacuum, and pressurized chambers
  • Temperature measurement range −70 … +180 °C (−94 … +356 °F)
  • Sensor options for corrosion tolerance, H2O2 tolerance, and moisture-in-oil measurement
  • 3 analog output channels
  • Modbus RTU over RS-485
  • Several output parameters available
  • 3 probe cable length options
  • Compatible with Insight PC software

Vaisala HMM170 probe covers the full temperature range −70 … +180 °C (−94 … +356 °F) used in climate chambers and the whole humidity range up to condensation. The small probe and compact component board offer easy and flexible installation. The probe cable options (2, 5, or 10 m (6.5, 16.4, or 32.8 ft)) offer excellent cost optimization and flexibility to any OEM application. By ordering Vaisala HMM170 with the appropriate sensor, you can use the module in environments that are frequently sterilized with vaporized hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or to measure humidity in oil medium, for example, for transformer and engine monitoring applications.

The newest HUMICAP R2 sensor is more resistant to corrosion and can handle common chemicals found in climate chambers. It features an automatic cleaning function to keep it free from chemical fumes, and a probe warming function to prevent condensation. The Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Module Vaisala HMM170 is designed for tough environments and can quickly dry out if it gets wet. It offers digital and analog output channels for humidity, temperature, dew point, and other calculated parameters.


Key Benefits

Designed for harsh environments
The HMM170 measurement capability covers the full climate chamber temperature range and full humidity range up to condensation. The instrument also tolerates vacuum conditions and pressure up to 10 bar.

Robust sensor technology
Thanks to the automatic purge and probe heating functions, the sensor tolerates typical chemicals and prevents water condensation.

Convenient to use
The modular design with digital (RS-485/Modbus RTU) and three configurable analog output channels make installation easy. An integrated service port enables quick configurations, and calibration with Vaisala Insight PC software and a USB cable.

Dpstar is a leading supplier of environmental measurement sensors for temperature, relative humidity, pressure, dew point, CO2, and other environmental condition monitoring for industrial process application and research. Since the ’90s, we earned a reputation as a trusted partner to our clients through our commitment and dedication. We are an authorized distributor and supplier of measuring sensors solutions from renowned manufacturers Vaisala. Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement. Building on 80 years of experience, Vaisala provides observations for a better world. Vaisala is a reliable partner for customers around the world, offering a comprehensive range of innovative observation and measurement products and services.


Measurement Performance
Relative Humidity
Measurement range 0 … 100 %RH
Accuracy 1) 2)
at +15 … +25 °C (59 … +77 °F) ±1 %RH (0 … 90 %RH)
±1.7 %RH (90 … 100 %RH)
at −20 … +40 °C (−4 … +104 °F) ± (1.0 + 0.008 × reading) %RH
at −40 … +180 °C (−40 … +356 °F) ± (1.5 + 0.015 × reading) %RH
Factory calibration uncertainty at +20 °C (+68 °F) 3) ±0.6 %RH (0 … 40 %RH)
±1.0 %RH (40 … 90 %RH)
±1.1 %RH (90 … 95 %RH)
Humidity sensor types HUMICAP R2C
T90 response time 4) 50 s with steel mesh filter
60 s with sintered filter
Measurement range −70 … +180 °C (−94 … +356 °F)
Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751
Typical accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.2 °C (± 0.36 °F)
1) Including non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability.
2) With HUMICAP 180VC sensor, accuracy is not specified below −20 °C (−4 °F) operating temperature.
3) Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits. Small variations possible; see also calibration certificate.
4) At +20 °C (+68 °F) in 0.1 m/s air flow with Vaisala HUMICAPâ R2C sensor.
Operating Environment
Operating temperature for component board −40 … +60 °C (−40 … +140 °F)
Operating humidity for component board 0 … 100 %RH, non-condensing
Storage temperature −55 … +80 °C (−67 … +176 °F)
Operating pressure 0 … 10 bar
USB cable for PC connection 1) 219690
Cable gland M20×1.5 for probe cable HMP247CG
Swagelok NPT 1/2″ adapter for probe SWG12NPT12
Swagelok ISO 1/2″ adapter for probe SWG12ISO12
Duct installation kit for probe 210697
Inputs and Outputs
Three analog outputs (selectable and scalable) 0 … 20 mA, 4 … 20 mA
0 … 1 V, 0 … 5 V, 1 … 5 V, or 0 … 10 V
Typical accuracy of analog output at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.05 % full scale
Typical temperature dependence of analog output 0.005 %/˚C (0.003 %/°F) full scale
External load RL < 500 Ω
Digital output RS-485 serial, Modbus
Service port M8 connector for USB cable
Start-up time 3 s at power-up
Wire size 0.5 … 1.5 mm2 (20 … 16 AWG)
Supply Voltage
when condensation prevention and chemical purge features are not used 12 … 35 VDC
all features available 18 … 35 VDC or 24 VAC ±10 %
Power Consumption
Analog outputs 12 mA (voltage), 50 mA (current)
Chemical purge at 24 VDC +220 mA
Warmed probe at 24 VDC +240 mA


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