HK Instruments DPT-Ctrl-2SP Series – PID Controller


  • PID-controller
    • Control differential pressure or air flow in duct or across centrifugal fans
    • Two independent setpoints, switchable via binary input
    • Flow or pressure compensation according to temperature input
    • All parameters (such as PID, setpoints) are adjustable via menu
  • Multiple field selectable measurement units:
    • Volume flow: m3/s, m3/h, cfm, l/s
    • Pressure: Pa, inWC, mmWC, kPa, mbar, psi
  • Unique input/output options:
    • Setpoint switch binary input
    • Outside temperature sensor input
    • Only control voltage output (0–10 V)

Multifunctional stand-alone PID controller with two setpoints for building automation

HK Instruments DPT-Ctrl-2SP is tailored for straightforward control of constant pressure or airflow in systems managing fans, VAV systems, or dampers. Equipped with a binary input, it allows users to switch between two customizable setpoints. When regulating airflow, users can opt for a fan manufacturer or a standard measuring probe with a K-value. Additionally, the device integrates a temperature sensor input, facilitating adjustments to airflow or pressure based on external temperature variations.

The versatility of HK Instruments DPT-Ctrl-2SP extends to applications where maintaining a consistent vacuum or airflow is critical. Its dual setpoints and outdoor temperature compensation capability promote energy efficiency and optimal indoor air quality. Setpoint selection can be facilitated through options such as weekly scheduling, toggle switches, or key card switches.


HK Instruments DPT-Ctrl-2SP series devices are commonly used in HVAC/R systems for:

  • Controlling building ventilation exhaust fans based on a week clock
  • Controlling exhaust fans based on user-demand


Accuracy (from applied pressure): Pressure < 125 Pa = 1 % + ±2 Pa
Pressure > 125 Pa = 1 % + ±1 Pa
Measuring units: Pressure: Pa, kPa, mbar, inchWC, mmWC, psi
Flow: m3/s, m3/h, cfm, l/s, m/s, ft/min
Measuring element: MEMS, no flow-through
Control signal: 0…10 VDC
PID-parameters: Adjustable via menu
Zero point calibration: by pushbutton
Supply voltage: 24 VDC ±10 % / 24 VAC ±10 %
Power consumption: < 1.0 W
Operating temperature: -20…+50 °C
Protection standard: IP54


HK Instruments DPT-Ctrl-2SP Series PID Controller-DpstarGroup