Vaisala Humidity Calculator

Vaisala Humidity Calculator makes your complex humidity calculations and conversions easy. It covers all popular parameters and is effortless to use. Calculate several humidity parameters based on only one known value and tolerance.

Make unit conversions on the fly, see the effects of changing ambient conditions, such as temperature and pressure, and adjust ambient conditions accordingly. Vaisala Humidity Calculator includes 2 calculation modes: basic and advanced. Select the one most suitable for your calculation needs.

Vaisala Humidity Calculator Includes Calculation & Conversion For:

Relative Humidity

Dew Point Temperature

Water Concentration

Absolute Humidity


Mixing ratio

Water Vapor Pressure

Wet-bulb Temperature

Dew/Frost Point Temperature

Water Concentration (wet basis)

Water Vapor Saturation & Pressure

Relative Humidity (Dew/Frost)

The new calculator works with all modern browsers. The browser recommendation for Windows users is Chrome or Edge, for Android phones Chrome and for iOS phones Safari. The calculator may also be saved as a desktop or phone app from the browser version.

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