Lutron AM-4205A – Humidity / Anemometer + Type K/J Temperature


  • Anemometer : 0.4 to 25.0 m/s. m/s, ft/min., km/h, mile/h, knots, Temp.
  • Humidity meter / %RH : 10 to 95 %RH.
    Humidity/Temp. : -10 to 50 ℃, ℃/℉.
  • Type K thermometer : -50 to 1300 ℃, ℃/℉.
  • Type J thermometer : -50 to 1100 ℃, ℃/℉.
  • Max., Min., data hold, RS-232 interface.

Lutron AM-4205A is a versatile device that combines the functions of an anemometer, humidity meter, and temperature gauge. It can measure wind speeds ranging from 0.4 to 25.0 meters per second, displayed in various units including meters per second, feet per minute, kilometers per hour, miles per hour, and knots, alongside temperature readings. The humidity meter can accurately measure relative humidity levels from 10 to 95%. The device also provides temperature readings in Celsius and Fahrenheit, covering a range from -10 to 50 degrees Celsius. Additionally, it features Type K and Type J thermometers capable of measuring temperatures from -50 to 1300 degrees Celsius and -50 to 1100 degrees Celsius, respectively. The device includes functions such as maximum and minimum readings, data hold, and an RS-232 interface for data transfer.



Lutron AM-4205A – Humidity / Anemometer + Type K/J Temperature-DpstarGroup