Lutron AM-4203 – Anemometer


  • Dual function display.
  • Data hold.
  • Auto power off saves battery life.
  • Operates from 9V battery.
  • RS 232 PC serial interface.
  • Build in temperature measurement ℃/℉.
  • -P circuit, 0.4 to 25.0 m/s.
  • Max., Min., Memory recall button.
  • m/s, ft/min, km/h, mile/h, knots, Temp.(℃/℉).
  • Size : 180 x 72 x 32 mm. RS-232
Lutron AM-4203 Anemometer incorporates a microprocessor circuit for exceptional accuracy and a range of specialized functions. Its large LCD display showcases air flow and temperature readings simultaneously, providing users with clear and convenient data. Designed with a sturdy yet compact casing, it records both maximum and minimum readings, allowing for easy recall when needed. Equipped with low-friction ball vane wheels, this device ensures precise measurements even in varying velocities. Its portable nature, coupled with a remote sensor option, enables fast and accurate readings for a multitude of applications, from air conditioning and heating systems to wind speed measurements.
Additionally, this anemometer offers versatile air flow measurements including m/s, km/h, ft/min, knots, and mile/h, catering to diverse needs. With a thermocouple sensor ensuring fast response times for temperature readings, it utilizes durable components housed within a lightweight ABS plastic enclosure. Whether for professional or personal use, this instrument proves indispensable for tasks requiring reliable air flow and temperature measurements.



Lutron AM-4203 – Anemometer-DpstarGroup